OSE Mass Community
A team of educators implementing high-quality instructional material.

About Us
OpenSciEd (OSE) Massachusetts Community is a team of educators supporting the implementation of OSE in classrooms across Massachusetts. Our goal is to support schools in the sustainable, effective implementation of OSE’s high-quality instructional material (HQIM) over time.
Our Aim
To provide an organization, for all schools in MA implementing OSE, that enables the effective, sustained implementation of OSE over time driven by student outcomes and teacher practices.
Our Belief
To have the environment necessary for sustained, effective local implementation of OSE across MA requires high-quality professional learning for teachers, targeted and differentiated implementation supports, and the creation of a joyful, teacher-driven community of adopters.
Our Supports
To successfully adopt OSE requires attention and focus on several elements, overall multiple years. Particularly, grants management, logistics (i.e., materials, time, etc.), community commitment and communication, curriculum & instruction, staffing and quality implementation, and program sustainability.
Our Partnership Model
To achieve our goals, requires a partnership model where the OSE Mass Community does work, our school partners do work, and we do work together to address challenges, celebrate success, and learn together what works for schools, leaders, and teachers.

Our Team
We love that OpenSciEd engages students as scientists, centers student sensemaking, and enables students to lead the classroom inquiry process. Our team brings together individuals with experience as Massachusetts school leaders, OSE classroom teachers, and OSE instructional coaches; as national OSE facilitators; as OSE curriculum writers; and with experiences in schools in Boston, Plymouth, Weymouth, Taunton, Randolph, and beyond. We are excited to partner with teachers and leaders across Massachusetts to support sustained, effective implementation of OSE in schools.