Meet Our Team

Alison Riordan is the Director of OSE Mass.  Previously, Alison was the Science Curriculum Coordinator for K-12 in Plymouth for 16 years where she helped build one of the state’s first and most successful PLTW Biomedical Programs focused on applied learning.

Alison Riordan - Director

  • In addition, Alison led science staff in Plymouth through the piloting and early adoption of OpenSciEd in the middle grades.  Since then, Plymouth has gone on to adopt OpenSciEd curricular materials in high school biology and physics and is an elementary OpenSciEd field test district through 2025.  Alison is a sincere and enthusiastic supporter of the implementation of High Quality Instructional Materials, such as PLTW and OpenSciEd, when paired appropriately with meaningful professional learning. She prides herself on the strong relationships she builds while supporting teachers in this process.

    A transplant from upstate New York, Alison enjoys traveling with her husband Matt, and their two children, Mallory and Patrick.  They frequently visit family around the country while traveling to and from lacrosse tournaments and ice hockey games.  

    Alison has a B.S. in Biological Sciences: Neuroscience from the University of Rochester, a M.Ed. in Science Education from Boston University, and a M.Ed. in Educational Administration from UMass Lowell.  

Sharon Liszanckie is the OSE Mass Operations Lead.  Previously, Sharon spent ten years as the Executive Director of Boston Prep, focused on doubling student enrollment, completing a school facility, and leading a collaborative community redesign process.

Sharon Liszanckie -Operations Lead

  • Previously she worked as a strategy consultant at Bain & Co. and The Bridgespan Group, and began her career teaching middle school math for five years.  She is passionate about ensuring that every student has access to excellent education that challenges, nurtures, and prepares them to succeed in their chosen path.  

    A native of Massachusetts, Sharon loves spending time with her family and friends, being at the ocean or in the mountains, practicing heated yoga, or riding the Pan-Mass Challenge (twelve and counting!)     

    Sharon has a B.S. in Education & Social Policy from Northwestern University and MBA from Harvard Business School.

Melissa Farrell is the Senior OSE Success Manager and brings over 27 years of educational experience to her role. She began her career as a middle and high school science teacher in Massachusetts, dedicating 13 years to refining her instructional techniques.

Melissa Farrell - Senior Success Manager

  • Melissa then transitioned into school administration, where she spent 14 years  focusing on implementing high-quality, research-based instructional resources. In her most recent role, Melissa introduced OpenSciEd and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) to elementary schools in the Silver Lake Regional School District. Her passion for delivering authentic learning experiences is driven by her dedication to providing impactful learning experiences that inspire both students and educators.

    Originally from the Washington, DC area, Melissa has made Massachusetts her home, working in the Berkshires and South Shore region. She is an enthusiastic Bruins fan and enjoys spending time with her family and dogs. Her hobbies include tending to her vegetable garden and capturing moments on camera at her children's hockey games and crew regattas.

    Melissa holds a B.A. in Biology and Education from Bucknell University and a M.Ed. in Science Education from the UMass Amherst. 

Tonya Brainsky is an OSE Success Manager.  Previously, she was a middle school educator for 13 years. During her time, she was part of the Massachusetts pilot for the OpenSciEd curriculum, helping to create remote learning adaptations for an OSE unit during COVID-19.

Tonya Brainsky - Success Manager

  • Additionally, she has served as teacher leader and teacher champion within her district for both the middle and high school OSE curriculum implementation.  Her vision for students is to allow them opportunities to be wrong, followed by learning and growing from their mistakes through collaborating with their peers.

    During her free time, Tonya enjoys attending her middle school son’s sporting events, spending time enjoying nature, and traveling to learn about new places and people.  

    Tonya has a B.S. in Environmental Science and Management from the University of Rhode Island and a M.Ed. in Science in Education from Lesley University. 

Kathy Bulger is an OSE Success Manager.  She has worked for 25 years in education, as a  classroom teacher and most recently as a K-12 Science & Technology instructional coach.  Her focus as a coach was supporting teachers with the launch of OpenSciEd in the middle school

Kathy Bulger - Success Manager

  • and PLTW in elementary schools.

    While in the classroom, she taught Environmental Science, Marine Biology, Biology, Introductory Physics, Science of Energy, Human Anatomy & Sports Medicine and Earth Science.  Kathy believes students should be able to explore all aspects of their education, in and out of the classroom, allowing them to become responsible members of this amazing community on this one planet we all call home.

    In her “spare-time” Kathy works on whale watching boatsand is adjusting to having both of her sons (and their dogs) returning home after college graduation.  She loves her family and friends, time outdoors, reading, and photography.

    Kathy has B.S. in Biology and Psychology from UMass Lowell and a M.A.T. in High School Biology from Bridgewater State University.

Marianne Dunne is an OSE Success Manager.  She has been a science educator for 30+ years in formal and informal settings. Most recently, she worked with the BC OEI team and the Boston Public Schools STE department as a senior project director during the field test, adoption

Marianne Dunne - Success Manager

  • and implementation of the OSE middle school curriculum.

    Marianne has also served as an STE specialist at MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, a K-8 science instructional coach/MS teacher with Cambridge Public School, and science educator at the Boston Museum of Science. Her passion is facilitating professional learning experiences with science educators that promote student engagement and equitable access for all learners. 

    Marianne enjoys spending time with her family and friends, spending time at the beach, hiking, and cooking! She believes combined efforts make great things and loves collaborating with colleagues.

    Marianne holds a B.S. in Education from Northeastern University, and graduate work from UMass Boston and Salem State University.

Adrienne Hanson is an OSE Success Manager. Previously, Adrienne was a researcher and professional learning provider with the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance focused on the design of curriculum and professional learning that supports educators to make

Adrienne Hanson -Success Manager

  • place-based adaptations to NGSS-designed units.

    Adrienne Hanson is an OSE Success Manager. Previously, Adrienne was a researcher and professional learning provider with the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance focused on the design of curriculum and professional learning that supports educators to make place-based adaptations to NGSS-designed units. She is a member of the OpenSciEd National Facilitator Team and a curriculum writer for OpenSciEd elementary. Adrienne began her career teaching middle and high school science and is passionate about collaborative systems that foster rigorous and joyful learning communities for students, educators, and families. 

    Adrienne loves spending time with her family and friends in the woods and by the ocean. She finds joy on her yoga mat, the dance floor of group fitness classes, and in early morning coffee with her pup, Max. 

    Adrienne has her B.A. in Biology from Bowdoin College and is working toward her Ed.M. in Education Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

We believe in education equity for all.